Sunday, September 14, 2014

Use your browser as an offline calculator

10:51 PM Posted by Unknown , , No comments
People use built in calculator for calculation in their computer. Some times for instant use you may use Google as a calculator. But do you know that there is another calculator is available in your computer.
Yes and that is your browser. You can use your browser as an offline calculator.
Most of the modern browsers provide this facility, not for simple calculation of math but also some complex calculation too.

This option can be found in the browsers JavaScript console. 

use your browser as a offline calculator

Simply press

ctrl+shift+j (for google chrome)

F12 and than ctrl+2 ( for Internet Explorer)

ctrl+shift+k ( for Mozilla )
After pressing this command in you browser your browsers JavaScript console will open.
Now type whatever you want to calculate and press enter.
And you will get the result.


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