Thursday, September 18, 2014

Remove Selected History From Google Chrome.

5:09 PM Posted by Unknown , , No comments
Google always like to provide something more to its user. Suppose you are a google chrome user and you do not want google to keep the records of your browsing history.
So google chrome is very much ready to help you. Google chrome will remove your history according to your need.

Suppose you want to remove a specific address history, you can do that or you want to remove all the history from the beginning of chrome installation, you can do that too. As it is highly flexible browser, it provides some more features.
Like past hour’s history removal option or past day or even form the beginning.

Remove History Selectively

  • Go to the browser history by pressing ctrl+H or write “chrome://history/” in the browser address bar.
  • This will open the browser history.
  • Now select the address form the left sided check box and click on the remove selected item on the top.
  • Now a new window will appear, click on the remove button. And your selected history will be deleted.

Remove Selected History From Google Chrome.

Remove History from past Hour or past day.

  • Go to the browser history and click on the click on the clear browsing data button.
  • clear browsing data window will be on your screen with several option.
  • select whatever you want to delete, like cookies, history, password, autofill data and etc.
  • Then from the drop-down menu select past hour, day or week.
  • Now click on the clear browsing data.

 That’s it, history will be deleted.

Remove Selected History From Google Chrome.
There is another simple selection option available to select all history of a page with two click.

Their is another way to delete a specific history
On the top of the screen write the name of the domain or what ever you want and press enter.
and you will get history relating to your search. and you can delete those.
Remove Selected History From Google Chrome.

Select the top history item by checking it and then on the last item of the page with SHIFT key and select the whole page.

That's is how you can easily remove your history for Google chrome.


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