A lots of changes has been taken place science the launch of Facebook. But One thing that is still similar from it's beginning is its color. The color of Facebook Interface is still blue.
Do you ever thought about it, Why Facebook Color Is Blue?
The answer is simple.
According to The New Yorker, It’s because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green color blind; blue is the color Mark can see the best.
Mark Zuckerberg explain to the newyorker.com
"Colors don’t matter much to Zuckerberg; a few years ago, he took an online test and realized that he was red-green color-blind. Blue is Facebook’s dominant color, because, as he said, “blue is the richest color for me—I can see all of blue.” Standing in his kitchen, leaning over the sink, he offered me a glass of water."
So This is the reason behind the color of Facebook. And This is Why Facebook color is blue.
Do you ever thought about it, Why Facebook Color Is Blue?
The answer is simple.
According to The New Yorker, It’s because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green color blind; blue is the color Mark can see the best.
Mark Zuckerberg explain to the newyorker.com
"Colors don’t matter much to Zuckerberg; a few years ago, he took an online test and realized that he was red-green color-blind. Blue is Facebook’s dominant color, because, as he said, “blue is the richest color for me—I can see all of blue.” Standing in his kitchen, leaning over the sink, he offered me a glass of water."
So This is the reason behind the color of Facebook. And This is Why Facebook color is blue.